Air Vice Marshall Nigel Baldwin CB CBE
Former President No 50 & No 61 Squadrons Association
Air Vice Marshal Nigel Baldwin Commanded 50 Squadron (Vulcans) as a Wing Commander at RAF Waddington from July 1977 to July 1979 He retired from the RAF in 1996. An Old Cranwellian, he was a Vulcan pilot for most of his flying career, and station commander of RAF Wyton when it was a Canberra, Nimrod R and Bloodhound base; his last job was in the Defence Staff in MOD Whitehall as "Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff (OVERSEAS)" in the MOD and "Air Commodore Plans" at the HQ Strike immediately before that.
Below: 1982. Vulcan XL428 of 50 Squadron.
Air Vice Marshal N.B.Baldwin CB, CBE., Vice President, and Mr Charles Swain, Chairman 50 & 61 Squadrons Association, receiving the Freedom of Skellingthorpe from Councillor Mrs. Pauline Harley, Chairman of the Parish Council, in June, 1996.