Sergeant Ronald Sydney Jones
Ronald Jones was born in Romford, Essex and on 23 May 1939 he joined the Roayal Air Force, well before the outbreak of war. His enlistment was for 6 years.
14 July 1939 909 Balloon Squadron u/t balloon handler.
14 March 1940 952 Squadron Balloon Squadron.
He then volunteered for aircrew and was selected to train as an air gunner.
26 June 1941 No. 8 Air Gunnery School
6 August 1941 25 Operational Training Unit
685045 Sergeant R S Jones 61 Squadron
Posted in from 25 Operational Training Unit 16 December 1941
14/15 January 1942 F/Lt Page Pilot Attack on Hamburg Docks
Manchester P/O Atkinson 2nd Pilot Returned early with engine
R5785 P/O Burt Navigator problems
Sgt Turner 1st W/Op
Sgt Dann 2nd W/Op
Sgt Jones 2nd A.G.
Sgt McLean 1st A.G.
25 January 1942 F/Lt Page Pilot Attack on battle cruisers at Brest
Manchester P/O Atkinson 2nd Pilot F/Lt Page circled the target for 40
L7497 P/O Burt Navigator Minutes at 17000ft before dropping
Sgt Jones 1st W/Op his bombs at 15000ft in intense
Sgt Turner 2nd W/Op accurate flak opposition, his rear
Sgt Dann 1st A.G. gunner being slightly wounded
Sgt Jones 2nd A.G. during the run up and his tail turret
Put u/s
31 January 1942 F/Lt Page Pilot Attack on battle cruisers at Brest
Manchester P/O Atkinson 2nd Pilot F/Lt Page sent out an SOS and was
L7396 P/O Burt Navigator finally fixed 50 miles south of
Sgt Turner 1st W/Op Plymouth. Two destroyers
Sgt Dann 2nd W/Op despatched from channel convoy
Sgt Evans 1st A.G. attempted to locate the crew in vain
Sgt Jones 2nd A.G. And the search was given up the
S/Ldr Burrough H.Q. 5 Group following morning.
Manchester L7396 took off from RAF North Luffenham at 18.50 hrs to attack the battle cruisers at Brest. Squadron Leader Burroughs was on board from 5 Groupo as an observer.
All the crew are remebered on the runnymede memorial.
Full details of him and the crew can be found in the losses database of the International Bomber Command Centre, Jones R - International Bomber Command Centre (