8th August 2014.

                   Canadian Lancaster VeRA arriving  RAF Coningsby.






Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster waiting for new arrival.



                                  James and Eunice Flowers

                    Reg Payne and James. 50 squadron comrades.

                                               Dave Payne and dad.

                                                    Drink Sir?











                 Look at that sky. Will it ever arrive. Will it make it?




                 Warning, Heavy rain iminent. Shelter from the rain.



                                        A Canadian crew member.





Ron Brown speaking to one of the Canadian crew members.

Warrant Officer Ron Brown was a WW11 Flight Engineer whose first tour was completed with 218 squadron, flying Stirlings and a 2nd tour of ops., on Lancs,  with 75 New New Zealand squadron. His aircraft was badly damaged during an attack by an enemy fighter on his 64th op. they just managed to keep the aircraft flying until they crossed over English coastline. 

Following this their 2nd tour was declared completed.



 Ron all smiles as he is escorted by WAAF Officer assigned to look after him.











 As the rain poors down, Veterans waiting patiently in the hanger.











                                        Time to move our Lanc.



James with Justin Helliwell-Operations Commander, RAF Coningsby.











Tony Worth, Lord Lieutenent of Lincolnshire, Mrs Worth 














With Air Vice Marshal Stewart Atha DSO AFC

Air Officer Commander 1 Group.

Below. Far Right:

Group Captain Johnny Stringer.

Commanding Officer RAF Coningsby.











              2nd from left: BBMF Pilot, with his wife on far right.

               The Digby, Waddington and Coningsby Military Wives Choir.

Below: James and Reg enjoying being made a fuss of by the lovely ladies of.the Military Wives Choir.











                                    It's just landed!!!

                                    Below: THERE IT IS.


                                                      MADE IT

Two Lancaster and one Wing Commander. Wg Cdr Jim Wright DFC

              Tom Allett, Lincolnshire Lancaster Association secretary.










Veterans Group photo. Wg Cdr Jim Wright DFC of 61/360/87 squadrons sit in the middle of the front row.

Unfortunately just before this, Eunice, my dear wife, had completely run out of energy and needed to be taken home