2014 reunion photos

           The Jamie Barr DFC  family(4th from left) and Mr and Mrs Reg Freeth.

L to R:

Back Row- David Jellett. Gwen Barr. Jamie Barr DFC. Stephen Freeth. Daughter of F/LT Don Paul DFC and Reg Freeth.

Front Row- Lindsey-Jamie Barr's daughter. Sue Jellett. daughter of Wg Cdr W.M.Penman DFC AFC, KIA, C/O 61 sqdn 1943. Pauline Barr. Patti Townsend, daughter of F/O W.H.McDowell KIA 1943, and Mrs Freeth. 

Below: Sqdn. Ldr. Richard Jones and Nick Partridge join the happy group. 





Stephen Freeth.



W/O Reg Freeth 61 sqdn B/A. and his dear wife.

Reg completed 17 ops with 61, 6 with Jamie Barr in the famous 'Just Jane'. During his 17 op. their aircraft lost many thousands of feet. With Reg having a cold at the time the sudden loss of air pressure caused serious damage to his ear drums. Following this he was taken off aircrew duties.

                                  Skellingthorpe village volunteers








What a lovely spread.






Wing Commander Jim Wright DFC in conversation with Reg Payne

                        Reg Freeth, Mrs Freeth with Stephen, their son,  

                            Nick and Lindsey Patridge with mum, Gwen Barr.

Pauline(on right) with mum and dad, Gwen and F/L Jamie Barr DFC, navigator, 61 and 617  squadrons. He carried out 16 ops in the famous 61 sqdn aircraft 'Just Jane'.

Wg Cdr Jim Wright DFC, Reg Payne (Reg was Sir Michael Beethams W-O-P for  a full tour of ops. 1943/44) and James Flowers, 50 and 44 sqdns. 

Wg Cdr Jim Wright deep in conversation with Reg Payne and James Flowers. 

                                 Brenda and Richard Wright.







Dave Payne, and Steven Flowers in a merry mood.

James and flag waving Mary Allen with smiling Chris Cant in the back ground.

                                John Firth in conversation with Betty Bascombe.

Wg Cdr Jim Wright DFC, navigator, 61, 360 and 97 sqdns. Mary Allen, daughter of Sgt D. Allen 50 Sqdn. navigator, KIA during Stuttgart op on 28/29 July 1944, and Tony Worth, HM Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire.

                                    Jim showing off his Reg Payne painting.







Pam Connock MBE.




HM Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, Tony Worth, gave us a full report about the progress being made towards the building of a Lincolnshire Bomber Memorial. We were told that work was to begin shortly on the building of the Spire and that it was expected that the full Memorial should be completed by June 2015.  

Sisters Lovely Sisters ! 

Lindsey and Pauline.

David Jellett, Lynda Skinner and Gillian Merron. Gillian has been a long time supporter and is an honorary member of our Association. She was MP for Lincoln for many years and a minister in the last Labour Goverment.

                                View from the side of the Memorial.

50 sqdn room mates, James Flowers and Ted McRae, meet for the first time since 1945. 5 of Ted's crew were killed during an Exodus operation on the 26th April 1945.

We were very privileged to have Squadron Leader Andy Millican pilot the Spitfire Mark 9 on Sunday a consolation - having to cancel our Lancaster fly-past and we are grateful to the BBMF for re-routing the spitfire at short notice. A lovely sound of that superb Rolls Royce Merlin Engine. To add poinency to the event, Andy's Grandfather flew with 50 Squadron during WWII.