Leading Aircraftman Ronald Schofield

Ronald was born on 24th December 1910. From leaving school and Prior to enlisting he worked in a cotton mill in Walkden in Lancashire and was a tape sizer.

He volunteered for service in the Royal Air Force, enlisting on 25th September 1941, approaching his 31st birthday.

Training as a Flight Mechanic Engines he was posted to 50 Squadron.

This picture believed to be during basic training as the men have no rank badges and a corporal in the centre, would suggest this. Ronald is 5th from right on top row.

VN-T the aircraft of Bill Drinkall with LAC Ron Schofield in centre kneeling in front of Bill.


Ron, Back row 3rd from left during his footballing days, probably for the squadron team.

This caricature of Ron or Ronnie as it says describes him a fitter for "T" Tommy,  VN-T was Bill Drinkalls aircraft.

Rons Day Pass from Skellingthorpe to travel to Manchester and back in 24 hours

This picture believed to be taken at the end of the war shows lanacster RE135, with Ron Schofiled lying down on the top of the aircraft the last one of the four.

RE135 was on the Squadron during April 1945 and flew around 5 operations according to the ORB's.

Ron and other ground crew in full uniform.

Under a Lancaster with his regular ground crew.

Ron Schofield, arms folded with other ground crew.

Lancaster in the mist.

Believed to be VN-R.

Ron Schofield's final demob papers showing him finishing on 27th September 1945. He was actually sent to RAF Kirkham for demob.

Ron Schofield and his wife